Sunday, July 24, 2011

Harry Potter (1).....Night of the Living Dead (2)....Kick Buttowski (3)...OH MY!(4)

Oh my...really you let your kid do 3.

I wonder if the decision I make for Ri is going to cause problems.  I guess it is something I have to live with.  But I do not want to shelter my son from the world.  My father sheltered me....excuse me...imprisoned me from the world.  So when I hit it on my own I hit it hard.  I drank, I smoked and yes even tried drugs.  I am not proud of this fact, but I learned the hard way.  I learned on trial and error.  This almost got Shane and I into and accident after I had a night of drinking way to much tequilla and then almost taking a dive off a 3rd story balcony because I walked out the wrong door while high.  Now with that being said, I do not want my kid to drink or do drugs.  But I want him to know what is out there.  I want him to feel that he can ask me questions and I can answer them.  So how does all this play together?

As we are watching these movies/shows I am talking to my son.  When he sees something in life I am talking to him.  I am not blindly letting him see these things.  I will continue discuss with him between fake and real....between right and wrong.  There are things that I will absolutely put my foot down to. 

I want my son to know I am here for him to ask questions.  I want him to learn from my mistakes as I have learned from my parents.   

In the end, if I am parenting my child unwisely I guess I will have to live with it.  Otherwise I just love seeing people's faces when I tell him he watches Night of the Living Dead.  Really folks it is just chocolate syrup and roasted ham......Bwahhahahaha!

Harry Potter (1).....Night of the Living Dead (2)....Kick Buttowski (3)...OH MY!(4)

Suburban Daredevil!  Buttowski!  It is a cartoon on some channel.  One day someone let him watch this.  And he is in love with it now.  He thinks that if Kick can do it he can do it!  So daily and I mean daily he tries a new trick.  Jumping off the couch on to the coffee table.....standing on the edge of the bath tub showing off balance.  I dont encourage it but I dont discourage it either.  I do make him stop if I see a horrible outcome, but other then that I want him to have fun and see what he can do.  I love watching the excitement on his face when he completes a stunt.

next post

Harry Potter (1).....Night of the Living Dead (2)....Kick Buttowski (3)...OH MY!(4)


Really I let Ri watch Night of the Living Dead?  Yes I did.  First off lets factor in some things:  It was the original black and white, it was during broad daylight and he was 2 1/2.  Wait like the last thing helped my argument.  This started again when he was a baby.  His very first Halloween we went to a little party and the host had NOTLD on TV.  I could not block him from watching it.  I would move him and he would wiggle his way back to watch it.  We eventually left because it was past his bed time.

A couple more things you need to know about me.  I am a freak about Halloween!  I mean freak!  I have been ever since I was a little girl and my Uncle Tom answered the door in a wolfman mask that made me pee my pants.  Yes I peed my pants!  I watched scary movies all the time.  I watched 3D flicks that were awesomely scary.  Now the only two movies that really scared me was Jaws, I was barely 4 and decided swimming was not that cool of thing.  I grew out of that.  The second this day I still do not hang my feet down from the bed....something might grab me :).  Anyhow I DVR and watch Halloween movies weeks before and weeks after Halloween.  It is the only time they play Dracula or Frankenstein or the true movie monsters that I grew up with. 

So Ri wakes up from nap and trots out while I am watching NOTLD.  He sat there and watched bad dreams nothing.  He really didnt say anything about it.  Now watch the original and tell me what there is.  Slow moving people that like to bite people....hhhhmmm sounds like a toddler.  Now this year may be post.....

Harry Potter (1).....Night of the Living Dead (2)....Kick Buttowski (3)...OH MY!(4)

What a combo.....

I question my parenting techniques sometimes.  I just wondering if I am doing the right thing.

So lets kick off with the hero of the selection.....Harry Potter.  The Harry Potter series has been out for sometime.  I started reading the books after watching the first film and falling in love with the wizard world.  By the time I got to the 4 book I was already ready for the next one.  So when I found out I was pregnant with Ri was excited that I could share these with my son.  There are so many books/movies that I would love to enjoy with him and this is one of them.

Ri has turned into me a giant movie fanatic.  There are days we have movie and pj days and we can sit and watch movies all days.  At 3...I am impressed how he can sit for a movie.  Maybe he turned into a movie kid considering he went to his first one when he was like 6 days old.  (Parenting choice one I questioned for a long time).  We took him to Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skulls.  I was worried it would hurt his hearing....I muffled his little head with a blanket and he slept the whole time.

Anyhow....he watched an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place and seemed to really enjoy the magic of it.  So I said well you want to watch Harry Potter (HP) with me and that has some pretty awesome magic too.  He of course refused.  Until recently, HP was coming out with the last installment of movies.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.  In honor of this everything went HP.  Some Family Channel was playing all the HPs back to back to back.  Riley sat and started to watch one very intently.  I told him that if he wanted to watch from the beginning we could.  And he was genuinely excited about it.

In addition to this soon to be HP fest at home, I was going to have a HP fest of my own.  A few select theaters were showing all 8 movies - 2 movies a night for 4 days.  I got to do this with a couple of good friends Allie and Kellie.  Anyhow while I was watching them at the theaters I was watching them at home with Riley could be said I was Pottered Out!  But none the less enjoyed every minute of it.

During this wizarding-palooza, I had told someone I was letting Ri at the tender age of 3 watch them.  And they looked at me with a bit of shock and asked if he was afraid.  I said no, and without thinking told him that he watched Night of the Living Dead with me at Halloween.  And slowly I saw her face change from total disbelief to as if she was being eaten by a post.....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Going down the river.....OCC camp and float trip.

Shane and I are no expert campers.  We like the outdoors.  We have a tent that we have used.  We have been camping during some pretty nasty storms.  Howeva we are by no means rough and toughers.  We like shower/bath houses with in walking distance.  We like toilets.   Our roughing it is not having tp.  We do sleep in on an air mattress in a tent or now in the pop up 2inches of foam but that is it!  So when the opportunity for a church family camping trip came up we were all for it.  As long as we could bring our camper.

Last week we started packing the camper to get ready for a 3 day camp trip ending in a float down the Elk River.  My friend Lana and I went bulk shopping the beginning of the week.  We got snacks and drinks to last us all weekend.  During the week I packed while Shane worked.  We were ready.   I took a small break when my friend Allie texted me about going and seeing the new Pirates movie.  She called me square....I couldnt go with that.  Everyone knows I am round!  So I was up late Thursday/Friday.  Got up on Friday morning around 9ish finished packing truck and camper and we were on our way.  We had some friends following us down.

I think when I was a baby my mother drove me around to put me to sleep.  Why you ask?  Because now it seems like when we get in a car and start to drive with in a few minutes I am out of it.  Shane has become accustom to it.  I try to stay awake but I always tend to nod off.  Makes for a horrible navigator.  Shane has since invested in a GPS to help with directions.  Well Sleepy the Navigator and Hailey the GPS had a difference of opinion.  Shane followed mine and we ended up in Mid-Easter Oklahoma.  Um which is a toll road.  So all of us scrambled to look for change to pay the toll.  We did eventually get down there and began to set camp.

It was hot...stinkin humid hot.  The kind that if you start doing anything you are soaked with in a few minutes.  So take this and add this to a camper that is closed up.  All the windows are zipped up and there is no breeze coming through.  It was a sweat box.  Anyhow got it set got us fed and went to chat with our friends.  Riley made the decision that Mommy was going to sleep with him and Daddy can sleep by himself.  I thought this was a smart idea....especially with Ri not being comfortable by himself.  So we all went to bed tired and hot.

We all woke up refreshed and feeling tons better.  We had breakfast and immediately headed down for the river.  I dont know what it is about the river.  The clearness all the way down to the bottom.  The current that pulls you.  But it is a lovely feeling.  I could live by a river and be happy.  I love just sitting in it.  Not swimming or anything else but just to stand there and let it rush around you.  I find it totally calming! 

This was Ri's second trip to the river and it took him a moment for him to get acquainted with it.  The first couple of hours he would not let go of Shane and I.  But eventually he let Shane swim up river with him and let him float with his floaties down to me.  He loved it!  He wanted to do it over and over again.   We did take a break and have a lunch and then headed back to the river for more water fun!  We stayed down there for hours.  Till we finally had to come back up and start preparing for our pot luck with the rest of the families that came from OCC.  Then we had a wonderfully prepared lesson by Melissa Leonhart.  Followed with a round of "I am in the Lord's Army".  Which I am pleased to say that Ri was up front demonstrating the dance steps.  Then we all partook in S'mores and more chatting then off to bed.  Except for Ri who got put to bed early because he was being a turkey.  That little man slept from 730 pm to about 730am the next day.  He slept like a rock!

We had a wake up call at 730am to wake up and get ready.  Andrew Leonhart gave a wonderful prayer and we all took communion.  We then prepared for our trip down river to get our boats.  All of the other families but ours and Lana's took canoes.  Shane, Lana, Justin, the 3 boys and I shared a raft.  Now Shane and I have been on a float trip before.  It was the worst 10 hrs of my life!

Before Ri, Shane and I took a float down the Huzzah.  On a raft, no.  On a canoe, no....but on innertubes.  Again worst experience ever!  It started out fine....a little bumpy because the river was low....but learned to get by.  Sadly this was our first trip and didnt realize we needed to reapply and water to we didnt bring anything.  We both came out of it dehydrated, sick, 3rd degree burns and just all around exhausted.  When we got back to camp we crashed on our air mattresses after a shower.  We slept that entire night and all the next day.  Packing up and coming home sicker then dogs.  We didnt want a repeat so we made sure we packed sunscreen, water and snacks.

We survived.  It was bumpy again, just in certain areas it was low and it made it tough going.  But other then that with four of us on and off again rowing we got 8 miles done in 6 hrs.  All in all I think we had fun.  Riley loved it.  He played captain of the ship for awhile.  Other times he leaned over the side and dipped his hands in the water.  It did have its low parts but all in all was a great time.

I think after this though we have a couple of observances:
1.  We need a trailer not our pop up camper.
2.  We should do the canoe not the raft (still not sure of this but we will see)
3.  We need more sunscreen!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why can't I be more like that.....

Raising Riley has been the best adventure I have had.  Howeva when it gets to the point discipline I am lacking!

Now going back to my childhood, I came from my mother who had no discipline to my father who had way to much.  So how shall I discipline:  push over or iron fist?

First I want to describe Ri.  If you have never met my child or have not spent any time with him.  He is a very vibrant child.  He knows he is adorable and he uses it.  He is smart and picks up on things very quickly.  He is also very stubborn!  He is much like me.  I put this as a facebook status one day it is very true:  They say your children are your parents payback for how you were when you were young.  And for that I do apologize to my Mother!  I try to redirect and it does nothing.  I tell him no and he fights with me.  I speak with him reasonably about what happens and he ignores me.

So here is where the title comes from.  I see other Mothers that handle their children with kid gloves and the kids magically do what they say.  I see mothers who can talk to their kids and they listen and do as they are asked.  I wish, oh how I wish I could be more like this. 

I dont want to be the mother yelling across the play ground telling her child to freeze.  But I just cant get him to listen...I cant get him to listen to the niceness.  The quite request to make right choices or play nicely.  I have tried and tried to do it and we just can not meet in the middle.  I ask him nicely put this toy in this basket and he flat out ignores me.  I give him the choice we either do this or give the toy away and he just doesnt care.  'Fine Mommy throw it away'.  And still I can not get him to help clean his room.  I tell him that we need to go up the stairs and not the slide and he tells me but he is doing it and it turns into a battle of wills.

So I wish I could be more like my friends, I really do.  I really admire my friends for their calmness during a storm or even a small rain.  All I can do is keep trying and pray.  I pray for strength everyday that I do not turn into my father.  I love Riley and I tell him everyday that I love him and when he is good that I am very proud of him.  I just get so frustrated that we can not communicate and meet an understanding with our ugly faces and yelling.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Honor Thy Parents.....and other Parental Thoughts.

As Father's day approach I think of how I can celebrate my husband.  The father of my precious child.

However this day also reminds me of other fathers.  In the last post I said something about how some of the sermons have just made me go WoW!  I will reference one on this one too.  One that touched me to the point that I remember it from 3 years ago.

As I walk my path into being a better Christian, I try to obey the rules set down by our Lord.  There is one though that I felt I could not follow.  Honor they Mother and Father.  Honoring my Mother of course.  But how am I supposed to honor the man that made me feel worthless every chance he got.  Really how could God ask me to honor that man.  There is a couple of lessons I learned from that sermon that day an others that followed.  Maybe it is not that father I should be showing honor to, but to my Heavenly Father.  Ah ding ding ding....I do have a Father.  One that loves me the way I am, because you see he made me this way.  With all my faults, tom boy ways and just not the norm...HE LOVES ME! 

Other lesson I have learned about this whole mess with my paternal father is that I have to be strong.  I have to be forgiving.  I have to be the one that stands and says I am here when he needs someone.  I am his child whether he likes it or not.  I know he will never apologize for what he has done.  I have forgiven, thanks to help from a lot of therapist and really close friends.  I have even told him that I forgave him and the door will always be opened.  That is a lot for me.  NOW I will never forget and I will never see my family or I in a situation that we are being degraded or harmed, but I will be here when he needs me.

Now on to the other Parental Thoughts....this coming from me...remember my past (again not trying to get an ah poor Jenn, just giving examples to hit the point home):

Never, I mean never take your parents for granted.  You never know when they will not be there.  There are so many beautiful moments that you when they are here you dont think about them but as you grow you miss those moments.    I didnt have a mother to prim and prep me up for prom or my wedding.  I didnt have my mother during my pregnancy tell me that it was going to be ok.  I didnt have her there holding my hand as I gave birth to my son, encouraging me.  I would have given everything in those moments to have my mommy.

Never end on an ugly word.  I was able to tell my Mother I love her.  Not so with my father, I did as much as I could, but if he believes it or not.  However my Grandmothers last words to my father was that he was being a horses ass.  I end every call every encounter I have with my family with "I love you".  You never know what awaits you when you walk out that door and those may be the last words your loved one hears.

Dont complain about your parents....I know some parents are crazy, nit picky and just all around weird.  But this is how they are....get used to it now it doesnt get any better it usually gets worse from what I have witnessed in other families.  Everything they do is out of the kindness of their hearts because they love you and want the best for you.  They have lived their lives and actually have some wise words.

I know this is easy for me to say I have no clue how a family works.  But I know how it doesnt work.  Thats for sure one good thing I got from life.  I got a good clear understanding on how families should not be.  I am going to try my hardest to show my son on daily basis that we have a pretty darn good family here.